Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kam Returns

Kam Chancellor is back! For the record I am not a Seahawks fan by any means. However, I find myself gravitating to liking players more than liking teams these days. I am not sure if thats from 31 years of being in an abusive relationship with the Detroit Lions, or after being in the working world I sympathize with these guys a lot more than I did. If someone came along and offered me four times the money I am currently making to do the same job somewhere else, I would not have to think to hard about it, and I am not even getting my body and brain destroyed.

I like watching Kam work, the guy is a beast. Plus he makes that whole defensive backfield work. After two straight weeks I would not be surprised if it comes out that Pete Carroll gave Kam his house to come back. Aaron Rodgers is one thing, but the St Louis Rams made the Seahawks defense look weak. Do work Kam!

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