Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meet the Father of the Century

(Travis Nielsen)

Travis Nielsen and family were just chilling in their backyard on Vancouver Island when a freaking cougar decided his two-year-old looked delicious and decided to take a bite. This guy sees his daughter in the jaws of a cougar and what does he do? He goes after it with his fists. He doesn't look for a shovel or any type of weapon, just hauls off and punches the thing. Ok, a father sees their child in distress and acts right away, that makes sense, but the chilling part is the cougar stuck around. It even tried to get around him to get his daughter again. He just stood his ground and shouted it down until it ran and hid. 

Now I know the cougar was acting on its instinct, its a wild animal. But as Joe Rogan likes to say "I'm on team people." Especially when team people doesn't even have to use a weapon. Travis Nielsen also acted on instinct and is a certified bad ass. 

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